Friday, December 12, 2008

What do YOU want and need?

The days are ticking by and we're getting closer and closer to the end of the 23 Things project. I can see lots of activity happening out there in library land, and more and more people are tipping into the "completed" zone, which is fabulous to see.

My questions for you are:

What else at this point do YOU need to help you complete?

Please don't tell me time, I've just given you another 11 days. *smile* But is there any technical help, further explanations or demonstrations or assistance in that level that I can offer? Does anything not really make sense to you even though you've done that module? Do you need something shown to you in context of how to apply it? Please leave a comment on this blog to let me know if yes.

Also, what applications do you see Web2.0 technology to be useful to us as librarians in our day to day lives?

Are there things that you think could be useful to us to streamline our work, our communication, and even add a little fun to how we work. Again, please leave comments on thos post.


inkyfingers said...

Well prioritising has been a bit difficult. Also being on leave I have forgotton some of what I learnt, so I guess I should revise so I can understand how I got there in the first place

The holidaying librarian said...

The new Global Books in Print interface will use a lot of Web 2.0 functionality, such as tagging, RSS feeds, etc.

Dawn O'Day said...

One thing I liked was the Google Docs idea. Having working documents accessible online would help get around that problem of trying to access documents from home. (Think it was Naomi who had access to the intranet from home on the wishlist).