Friday, September 12, 2008

Setting the Scene

Did you know that every single one of the Web2.0 technologies that we are using as part of 23 Things has personalised settings and customisations for each and every member? Yes, that's you!

For example, if you go to blogger and get all ready to post, you will see there is a button that says "Settings". If you click on it, it will take you to a whole bunch of things you can set up your blog to do, or alternatively, not do. Things like checking (moderating) any comments that are left before they are published. You can change how your blog looks, what bits can be seen, whether or not search engines can find your blog, the formats, the archives... you name it, you choose how it works!

In Facebook, you can click on the "Privacy" link (it's in the blue menu bar, on the right side of the screen) and change all kinds of things in there. Who can see your photos, which applications can be seen by whom, what parts of your profile can be seen, and even who can search for you! The same goes for MySpace.

Take the time to explore the settings, security and privacy features of each Web2.0 technology you sign up for, and set them up to suit your needs. How you share your Web2.0 technologies is up to you, and if you explore you can find LOTS of fabulous ways to customise your pages and accounts.

Happy customising!

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